

Premium Mobile Websites

Until recently most desktop websites were never designed with mobile in mind. Websites that are not mobile optimized provide the end user with a bad experience in many cases leaving your un-mobilized site for a site which is mobile friendly. Fonts can be too small to read, images do not scale properly and any flash within your site will cause big problems on mobile. A mobile website powered by T-T Mobile Solutions is designed specifically for the small screens of mobile devices. The overall custom experience is greatly enhanced using a T-T Mobile Solutions premium mobile website, because fonts are readable. navigation is easy and we make sure to display the things your users are looking for on your mobile site.

Today there are 327 million cell phones in America (that people have with them 24 x 7)
70% of them search the mobile web
45% of smartphone users now ONLY search the internet from their Mobile Device
72% of mobile searches get acted on (people call or come in your store) vs 18% for desktop searches
82% of businesses do NOT have a mobile optimized web site….but 90% THINK they do!

In today’s economy you cannot afford to NOT be Mobile Optimized.

QR Code Marketing

QR codes stand for Quick Response Codes. QR codes are scanned by a QR Code Scanner (many newer smartphones have QR scanners built in or you can download a FREE one.) and then the user is normally pushed somewhere on the web. Its impreitive that your QR codes push to premium mobile websites to ensure your mobile marketing campaign is not broken.

To have the proper mobile marketing experience a QR code can push mobile traffic to a coupon, event listing information or a lead generation form to name a few examples.

Try scanning the QR Code on my business card to see first hand what the experience is like.