SMS Messaging for Business Expo 2017

SMS Messaging for Business Expo 2017

Watch these Two Videos!

Video 1: General Information on Text Messaging for your Business!


Video 2: Text Messaging for the Real Estate Professional!





In Business…We all want “Happy Customers” coming back again and again…

But the problem is that you don’t have a way to predict when they will be coming back…

That is when you realize that you need a “customer engagement” program and nothing works better that a Text Messaging system.


With Text Messaging (SMS Messaging), I can show you how you can bring your happy customers in anytime you wish… just by pushing a button!!

Yes, it is just that easy.

Texting is the most widely and frequently used app on a smartphone, with 97% of Americans using it at least once a day.

Text messages have a 98% open rate, while email has only a 10% open rate.

Sales prospects who are sent text messages convert at a rate 40% higher than those who are not sent any text messages.


SMS Marketing gives you:

Instant Reach:

98% of Text Messages are read in under 30 minutes


Instant Sales:

Bring in Eager Customers with Specials and Promotion as the push of a button


Retain Customers:

Keep your best customers notified of specials and new products.


I would also suggest that a Text Messaging program would offer many benefits with Churches, Country Clubs, Non-Profit Groups, Social Clubs, Golf Clubs, Friend's Groups, Family Events....etc. 

Really any group that wants Mobile Communication and Engagement!

It is not that expensive and so effective since every mobile phone can send and receive text messages and we do keep our mobile phones with us all day and everywhere we go!


Call or Text me for a FREE Consultation

Terry Rountree


I know you are looking forward to the annual

Valdosta Chamber PrimeTime Business Expo 2017

Sponsored this year by Fairway Outdoor! 

Thursday, October 5, 2017 at the Rainwater Conference Center

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM with a Business-After-Hours right afterwards!

If you will be attending as a guest, make sure you go ahead and register for your chance to WIN the Grand Prize that will be held at 7:00 PM

(Must be present to Win)

Registration is easy and is done through your phone using TEXT Messaging

Text: expo2017  to: 71441 

Then follow the directions in the reply message to get your Mobile Coupon for the drawing.

You will show this Coupon on your phone when your phone number is called from the drawing.

Go ahead and sign up in advance and....GOOD LUCK!

Click Here to see a List of Exibitors



Are you an Exibitor at the PrimeTime Business Expo 2017?

Are you collecting Business Cards in your fishbowl?

That works great there at the event but what about your own text message system to have people sign up for your Grand Prize?

Engage with everyone that will visit your booth and start an real business engagement with the use of SMS (Text) Messaging.

Let's get together and set you up a trial program for the EXPO and see what the potential for bulding your business using Mobile Marketing Solutions.

Terry Rountree

Tap to Email me:
